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I wish I was Julius Caesar
So I could have a salad to myself
Or a famous kingdom
And a famous lover
But also because it would be less painful for me
To get stabbed to death
By my friends
Than to endure the stress cardiomyopathy
That my real life lover gave to me

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A girl
In a museum
Of dead brown bushes
And wide open winds
Is dying 
Because there are no green trees 
In sight
She cannot breathe

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When you eat too much watermelon in the summer
You have to pee a bunch in the middle of the night
But today I didn’t eat too much watermelon
I just tasted a little too much of his sweetness until I reached a bitter rind at the end
And it’s keeping me up at night
With tears coming out of my eyes
Waking me up
And dehydrating me

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Our conversation
Was a mosquito bite
On my ankle
That swelled in the middle of the night
And I stayed up scratching my anxieties
Until they left scars
Burned into my skin

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In broad daylight
I’m questioning
Everything you have said
Because so many others 
Have left me 
Naked in the sun
While they hide in the shadows
I am sitting here thinking
Am I good enough for you
Will you accept me
Even if my secrets have to be extracted like an archeological dig
Will I be able to give you
The happiness you deserve

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How many raindrops
Fell from your eyes
During my monsoon season?

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I am abandoned
And swept clean
No crumbs left to feed even ants crawling inside for warmth

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I don’t have anything to say
And I have so much to say
But the words are written on the inside curves of my rib cage
And it would take xrays
To explain

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Watching my wisp of breath travel in bubbles under cold settled water
A heart escapes reality
And repels down
With no ropes to catch it 
When all moments
Of human connection cease for the day
And a head full of thoughts
Travels centuries of train tracks alone

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I had never been to the desert
But it burned away a part of me
Because when I left
My heart was blistered
life was not where it should be
And I knew the way I looked at you
Was not the way that you looked at me

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He is in the collection
In the erasure marks
Of the pencil
His outline hanging on the curve of the g
And intently
He scours for hints
Of anger
Of hatred
But all there is
Is a faint outline  
A sketch on page 2 
And 22
And 39
Of the girl he once knew
Who has transformed
Into imagery
And prose
And poetry

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You don’t know
How damaging
It is
Being the rung on the ladder
Where your weight rests
So you can reach little plastic stars
On the ceiling
Of your gallery 
Of expectations

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I can’t take 
feeling like my chest is a cave
Where stalagmites suspending from the ceiling
Are being knocked down
From your hands
Reaching into my chest
For my light source
And pulling it away from me

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It was a simple plea
For honesty
And his own selfishness
Beyond comprehension

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He extracted her heart 
A long time ago
And kept it in a jar
On his shelf
It collects dust most times
But today he pulled it down for 5 minutes just to admire the selfless beauty
And then put it back next to the others
Never any intentions of returning it
To the hole in the chest
Of the girl he introduced himself to 3 years ago

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after I go from walking in meadows of stars with him
Time separates us with flying saucer machetes
and I end up
and hidden in the core of the earth
far below rock bottom in the ocean
and trapped in the heat
of missing him.

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She lays there for hours
Letting dead skin 
On the edges of her eyelashes
Beat her cheeks
Until tears heave
Through her throat in early afternoon
Her daily release
Of days squeezed by
Quiet cobras suffocating her exhalations 
Quivers of knee caps
Threaten to pop out
And I’ll wrap myself around her shaking body
And think about how she is shaking like a leaf in spring wind
So I’ll hold on just enough
To this fallen leaf so she doesn’t blow away or get crushed 
By a pair of eager sneakers on a windy day

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"you ever get heartburn?"

he asked.

"only for people"

I said.



it's like I just opened my chest

and replaced

it with an ice sculpture.


It's crazy to think

that this fuzzy feeling,

so frigid cold it burns numb,

can still be here

among such personal prosperity

and after infinities

that lapse among

petite laughter collections


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I am
A rare species
People consider extinct
But you found a way to lure me in a trap
To study me
To admire me
To show me off
After months 
You seem bored
And instead of letting me free
You’ve shoved a syringe in my veins
Of poisons and toxins
To kill me slowly
And feed me to taxonomy
While you hunt for something more exotic
A Rare phenomena
To make you famous
If you let my heart stop beating
There will be no recovery
If you change your mind.

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you held my hair in your hands
like you'd never see it again. 
Your fingers tugged it slowly into sections
until you made a braid
and when you left
I let it stay
until it fell apart
while I was sleeping
and I cried
and then I
into so many different 
scattered strands

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it takes days

 of pure silence

to overcome

the mountains of negatives

that I feel

jumbled in my bones

so if I lose my voice

please hold me

hug me

love me 

so tight

that the pieces that have fallen

will squish back together.

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I'm just laying here in my bed

and my empty hand is dangling

over the edge

like a flower draped on a fence

bleeding impressions

of melancholy ink

into wood


I just keep thinking

that my gravity influenced hand

is useless

without yours to garnish the top


I'm under my covers

but you know there is always that spot on my back

where goosebumps always crowd

because your body

isn't pressed against my skin

and your lips

aren't leaf paintbrushes

on the nape of my neck


I just need someone

to lift the Indian mound

that is my body

and carry it in soft arms

safe from the pressures

and the past

censures of time




the quivers of my small finger muscles

are longing

to hold something

other that the tickles of my own carbon dioxide 

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Crazy how a bee sting
Just like my heart does
At the mention of your name
Or a glimpse of you passing by

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slept in today
I wasn't tired
I wanted to forget
that in the middle of the night
you slipped away
like a silk sheet
into the wind
and I found myself
chilled with goosebumps
and covered in lonely air

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Three times in twenty-four hours

You walk in front of my face

my lips get hollow

my palms perspire

and my eyes fill 

with AwKarRDneSs


We are mute birds


internal sorrows


floating grey feathers

form a line

of disappointments

and judgments

and emotional heat waves

that exchange contention

with Morse Code blinks


You follow close behind

in alley ways of my past.

I'll let you eavesdrop over my shoulder one more  time

to crystal clear vibrations from my vocal chords

in a conversation completely unrelated to you

this one, filled with shakes in the airwaves

because of what was never spoken

when the two of us could harmonize with each other

and because I know

that for once you are listening

purely to my feelings 

and not your own

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you are lurking in the shadows

and it appears to me

that in between the lines of prose

you are reading

to catch a glimpse

of the highs and the lows 

of where my heart is in this world.

Your reputation

under my ballpoint pen

is marred

from the

Humid thoughts 

that have become

a museum of diseases

of past psychological monsoon seasons

which you contributed heavily to


my consciousness prescribed

poetry therapy

to cover

any sort of emotion

that reminds me of any damaging, lingering, happiness

between us that used to exist

in a paper shaped heart


if you should need to know,

my words

are the pillow

that holds

screams of all the past pains

I used to feel

but I don't need a container

of intravenous therapy

of your reluctant feelings

tapped into my veins

like I used to


I kiss different now

since that night


In blinking, blue, Mystery Appliance light next to the empty glass of nervous water

on a stool

is a grave

where I drowned my old habits of stubborn dependence.


I was not confident, diffident, and shy when I should have been bold, precise, and articulate with you.


My inarticulate nature brought me to challenge emotions the size of a scaly dragon that could scorch the life out of you if you walked near

and I walked through that blazing shower curtain of fire and falling sparks like I wasn't made of crippled ice shavings


I became a bubbling burn

that blistered in the flames. 

I became ash that floated away with the wind

and I rebuilt myself from dirt pieces

emerging a new person

and I have you to thank.

If you suddenly come around the corner out of the shadows to find me,

you won't. 

I am completely unrecognizable to the girl you once held because I am camouflaged in my own replacement

of the pages you have torn from my memoirs. 


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Construction Paper:

I press skip

when I hear a chord

or a phrase

that sets my soul ablaze

but for some reason

I can't seem to press skip

on the record

the one that plays when I'm alone.

the one that says "I'm weak."

or not enough

and I feel like purple glue

on kindergarten construction paper

just clinging onto the vibrant color

but instead falling into 

the cold




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If you're finally reading this,
Just know I miss you
and I hope Remember
love to you
In the time it took
your familiar messenger
to declare fond insecurities
to me.

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I run myself ragged

just so I don't have to miss 

your dusty looks

in windows outside


time has to be filled

and I can hardly breathe, eat, or sleep

until a pause in my day

interrupts my pulse


and I miss you

like I miss air

when I'm under barrels of water

in the ocean

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There are people far away

that cry themselves to sleep

and my Adam's Apple hesitates when I swallow

because I weep with them.


a pair of eyes



thrashing me apart

because I talk about skin being shared

and thrown

and curled into flames

in ways most would never think of


in a far away bed

a young woman cries

because someone left her sheets cold

and her senses manipulated

to the point that tears never came

until today

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I wish I could open my mouth
and tell you everything
but I'm seriously afraid
that if I do
all these negative thoughts
will fall out
like teeth in dreams
and I'll just be left
with naked gums
the smile I lack now
is nothing compared to what I envision
if you listened

Woman Typing
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My thoughts are as vital as heartbeats
they flow through my body like blood
If they stop or if they flood
either way, I'll choke
I'm tired of taking the metal part of a ruler
and pressing it against my skin
Will it cut or will the lines just tick, tick, tick?
until my body is hot, warm, cold, cooler
I'm trying to measure up
to the list inside
I take an eraser
and I try to hide
but no one can hide
from the inside

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Take a day,

one from weeks ago

and wish you were there.

Take that moment

like a seashell in your hand

look at its beauty

and then watch it 


you'll wish for it back

it's the day you became lonely

it's the day people noticed you were different

but didn't know what to say

all you wish is that they too have changed

they dropped you in the sand

instead of holding it in your hand


like the green in their hand


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Dry waterfalls

down below

are like dried tears

on a cheek

eliminated by a sun

mist above

covers true lines

and trees are eyelashes spread

climbed by vines

don't hide those lines

when ideas rewind

rhythms are assigned

to weeping willows

swaying on top of grassy pillows

The jagged tear stained landscape

becomes an explorer's escape


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Two worlds have always been fine

I can see a distinct and distant line

from fog and shadows

that whisper you are mine


Oceans churn and sunsets soften

and I think of the other often

In my bones

I feel a bit rotten


There is an ache from the shadows up ahead

Across the seas that are larger than thoughts in my head

and I don't know where the ache attends

but sometimes I wish I was away from this paradise instead


There are people I love in the sand

and people I have loved in the mainland

I am on an incredible journey

But in my heart I'm longing for it to end


And I don't know why I wish this time away

I've never been so rushed anyway

but I hope for one moment I can breathe

and in the present find the peace to stay


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He is haunted by a ghost

who wants to hold his hand

It weeps and whines and it never understands


The words it writes

on fleshy walls in his sleep

cuts into past wounds significantly deep


For months he thought it normal

that the ghost vacations away

but there is a guest room in the attic

where it forgets to stay


It always meanders back

and when it slithers back

it's like anger is the season.

We skip beyond April showers

and burn living flowers


The spirit hands the lighter

and his twisted memory is the gasoline

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I will write

until the ink no longer

breathes that name


until thick shadows


blazing sun rays


and all reminders

are extinguished 

by their flame

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Do not slip into my thoughts again

I cannot take the pain

do not call me yours in any way

just please, walk away


It's been years of me inside my head

but the hurt is finally leaving

in a little journal beside my bed

The words are quickly leaving

from a heart that was once bleeding 

but now is giving to all who are reading

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